Denver Divorce Attorneys
Colorado Legal Group is a client-focused law firm practicing exclusively in the areas of Divorce and Family Law. Our team of highly skilled, highly experienced divorce lawyers can guide you through your case successfully, without draining your finances or ruining your family. We understand that each case is different, and we always tailor our representation to the specific needs of the client.
Getting a Divorce in Denver, Colorado
Divorce cases in Colorado are started with one party filing a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage. Parties can also file a Petition for Legal Separation, or a Petition for Allocation of Parental Rights (custody cases in which the parties are not married). All petitions can also be filed as co-petitions, which allow the parties to open a proceeding together and avoid certain court costs and costs of service. Parties must reside for before filing.
Understanding the Divorce Process
In terms of the laws governing divorce, Colorado is considered an equitable distribution state (as opposed to a community property state). As an equitable distribution state, Colorado does not have set rules as to how property acquired during the marriage must be divided. Rather, the Courts attempt to divide property as equitably as possible. In addition to the division of property, divorce law in Colorado also covers the award of child support (done with a child support calculator), alimony (also known as spousal support or maintenance), the custody of children and parental responsibilities.
The divorce and custody process can vary from county to county, so it is important to have the assistance of experienced divorce counsel when filing for divorce.
Free Divorce Case Evaluation in Colorado
Our law firm offers a free case evaluation (by telephone), free of charge. This provides an opportunity for people facing a divorce, legal separation, or custody case to understand their options and what a roadmap to the successful resolution of their case might look like. It also provides an opportunity for our firm to understand the unique issues facing this person and whether we can help them with their case. From there, our firm would then schedule a longer, more in-depth paid consultation with one of our talented family attorneys.
Fill out our form or call us at 720-594-7360 to get started.