We sat down with attorney Joe Cash to discuss his new role with Family Promise of Greater Denver.
What is Family Promise of Greater Denver?
Family Promise of Greater Denver is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization whose mission is to form relationships with families at risk of or experiencing homelessness by providing shelter, meals, and a spectrum of other supportive services as they obtain permanent stability. These services range from rental assistance, interim housing, shelter, as well as educational and other support programs. Family Promise of Greater Denver was founded in 1997 and is independently associated with a national organization comprised of more than 200 affiliates in 43 states throughout the country.
What attracted you to working with them?
My passion for helping families navigate through difficult situations towards positive outcomes is the primary reason I was attracted to working with Family Promise of Greater Denver. The organization’s commitment to not only providing immediate assistance to at-risk or homeless families, but also provide case management, education, and ongoing services to help families achieve and maintain stability is a very meaningful and worthy cause in my perspective. With systemic issues, such as homelessness, it is important to address not only the immediate issue but also the underlying causes of the issue.
What role will you fill for them?
I recently began my term as a member of the Board of Directors for Family Promise of Greater Denver. The Board of Directors is the governing body of the organization and my role collectively with the other board members is to guide the organization in advancing its mission by adopting sound ethical, legal governance, and financial management policies. In addition, as a board member, I am required to serve on a Board Committee for the Organization. I currently serve on the Finance and Operations Committee, which assists the Executive Director in preparing the budget for the organization and assists in overseeing and making recommendations regarding financial and service actions of the organization to the larger Board of Directors each year. Another role as a Board Member is to act as an ambassador for the organization and do other work as necessary to help Family Promise of Greater Denver meet its goals and objectives.
What do you hope to achieve with your participation?
I simply want to give back to others and help families by supporting Family Promise’s mission with my time, talent, and resources. My hope is that my work on the board will help steer the organization to a place where we can maximize the positive impact our programs can have on families in need and the community at large.
How can others get involved?
If you are interested in donating to Family Promise of Greater Denver you can go here to donate or if you are interested in volunteering you can go here to volunteer to find out ways to get involved.