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Divorce Attorney Blog

Colorado Legal Group Blog

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handling divorce during retirement
How to Handle Retirement in Your Divorce

There are generally three main kinds of retirement accounts that need to be addressed at the time of a divorce, and the division of this money can amount to a considerable sum,…

mistakes during alimony colorado
Three Common Mistakes in Alimony Cases

Unlike child support, there is no calculation or worksheet available, the court simply applies a set of factors that help to guide it to a number (or no number at all). Looking…

how to control discovery divorce costs
How to Control Discovery Costs in Divorce

We know that divorce is an emotional process, and we would like to make it as smooth as possible. That being said, it is important to talk about the discovery in divorce…

how to hire a divorce attorney in colorado
Keys to Hiring the Right Divorce Lawyer in…

Online directories, and, in fact, most resources out there, both online and offline, that “help” you find a divorce attorney is best used after you have become clear about the kind of…