At Colorado Legal Group, we understand the unique complexities involved in military divorces, from navigating federal laws like the Uniformed Services Former Spouses' Protection Act (USFSPA) to addressing military benefits, pensions, and custody arrangements. Our experienced attorneys are dedicated to protecting your rights while ensuring fair and equitable resolutions for service members, veterans, and their spouses. Whether you’re dealing with deployment-related challenges, dividing military retirement benefits, or establishing a parenting plan, we’re here to guide you through every step.

Proud to Serve
Military personnel and their spouses provide a unique opportunity for our firm, which is to do what we love; provide high-level divorce representation for people who serve our country (and their spouses) whom we highly respect. For us, representing military clients and their spouses provide us with a great deal of pride.
Quick Overview of What We Offer:
- Alimony (a.k.a Spousal Support)
- Child Custody (even for Non-Parents)
- Child Support
- Contested Divorce
- Legal Separation
- Dividing Assets
- Property Division
- Same-Sex Divorce
- Uncontested Divorce
- Here’s everything you need to know about Military Divorce…
How We Handle Military Divorces
Military divorces involve unique legal issues in most cases. There are often issues about jurisdiction, custody, how to divide military retirement, whether payments can be made directly from DFAS and a host of other issues that can seem daunting at first. Many of our attorneys have extensive experience handling military divorces from the perspective of the person serving as well as that person’s spouse. We bring a client focused approach to military cases that will allow you to work through your issues in the most efficient, time saving, cost saving, and healthy way possible.
Military Divorce Guide
Our Military Divorce Guide offers comprehensive information on legal issues unique to military divorces. From understanding federal laws like the SCRA to navigating state laws governing divorce proceedings in Colorado, our guide provides valuable insights and resources for service members and their spouses.
Filing for Divorce in the Military
While the process of filing for divorce is similar for military and civilian cases, there are additional considerations for active duty service members. Establishing legal residency in Colorado, ensuring jurisdiction, and complying with federal laws are crucial steps in initiating divorce proceedings.
Service Members Civil Relief Act (SCRA)
The SCRA provides legal protections for service members facing civil litigation, including divorce proceedings. Under the SCRA, service members have the right to request a stay of proceedings if their military service materially affects their ability to participate in court hearings.
Child Support and Alimony
Determining child support and alimony in military divorces requires careful consideration of federal and state laws. Child support guidelines in Colorado apply to both civilian and military cases, ensuring that children receive adequate financial support from both parents.
Hire Our Military Attorneys in Colorado Springs
Colorado Legal Group specializes in military family law. Our attorneys are well-versed in state and federal laws related to military divorce. We prioritize our clients’ needs and strive to provide the highest level of legal representation.
Fill out our form or call us at 720-594-7360 to get started.
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Military Benefits and Assets
Unique Considerations
Those in the military, or married to a service member, should select a lawyer who is experienced in all aspects of a military divorce. There may be military benefits and other complex assets that need to be negotiated throughout the process which is why we’ve outlined the most common benefits Colorado Legal Group addresses in these types of cases.

Military Retirement Pay or Pension

Survivor Benefits

Base Privileges
- Married to your former spouse for at least twenty years
- The military member was in the military for at least twenty years
- The marriage overlapped the time in service by at least twenty years.
If these criteria are met, the ex-spouse of the military member is entitled to full base privileges as long as he or she does not remarry.


Need Help with a Military Divorce?
Call Colorado Legal Group at 720.594.7360 or get started with a complimentary case evaluation.
Free Case Evaluation
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How Can We Help?
Denver Office (Main):
1777 S Harrison St. #1050
Denver, CO 80210
Colorado Springs Office:
102 S Tejon St. #510
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Grand Junction Office:
120 W Park Dr. #205
Grand Junction, CO 81505
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