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The Crisis Is The Best Thing That Ever Happened

Personal insights from the rock-stars of Colorado, Nebraska, and New Mexico Legal Group on how they're facing adversity.

David Crum

How is the current crisis the best thing that ever happened to me?

“This is my own question, yet it still takes my breath away when I ask it under such trying circumstances. I would not be honest with the team if I did not say that I have struggled with anger, frustration, fear, and many other emotions since I first realized this pandemic would grip the United States. Here is why this is the BEST thing that ever happened to me:

(1) I have discovered that I can rely on and lean on my team FAR more than I ever imagined. I do NOT need to be involved in every decision, and in fact, the team often knows better than I do what needs to be done. The level to which each team has risen to address EVERY challenge that has presented itself has been awe inspiring. I have learned that sometimes I just need to get the fuck out of the way.

(2) This crisis has verified my long held belief in how important it is not to become overextended, and to always have cash reserves. In the past I have been critical of myself for not being aggressive enough when it comes to growth or expansion, and I have often gotten down on myself for not moving forward fast enough. I will NEVER again think that expansion is more important than having the resources available when winter comes (shout out to GOT!). (3) I have come to realize (again) how much of a WARRIOR my wife is. Through every disastrous thing we have faced, Missy has been there to support me, and to support all the other people that I seem to blow off in favor of myself and my team, AND to deal with all of my SPAZZY behavior … and for that I am truly grateful.”

How is the current crisis the best thing that ever happened to our firm?

“(1) This has forced us to uncover marketing opportunities that we NEVER would have seen before. This will undoubtedly help us to rise above our competitors when the economy opens again.

(2) Not to be self-aggrandizing here, but this has re-affirmed the idea that we have been right in what we have valued most in our hiring decisions. And because of this we have built a team that is just, well, incredible. I would put this team against ANYONE, ANYTIME, and I promise I will work myself into the ground to keep us all together.

(3) This downtime has allowed Brent and I to develop content we may have NEVER created in the hustle and bustle of our normal work lives.

(4) This has allowed me to connect personally with each member of the team in a way I would have never done before. I have gotten to learn about your lives, your hopes and fears, and it has allowed me to share with you the best of what I have learned in my professional life, and I have been inspired by each and every one of you.”

Colorado Legal Group

How is the current crisis the best thing that ever happened to me?

“The crisis has let me opened by eyes by giving me a different perspective on how hard my wife works both as a teacher and, more importantly, caring for our family. Seeing how strong, diligent, and adaptable she has been through all this has motivated me to self-reflect and begin working on becoming more adaptable in all aspects of my life whether family, law practice, or otherwise.”

“It has forced me to see the best even in the worst of situations. No matter how bad things seem you can always find a positive hidden in there somewhere and that is what keeps me going.”

“This crisis has really brought my family closer together. Both of our kids (who are too young to really understand what is going on) are so excited every day to spend so much family time together, to do crafts and projects and take walks and play games. Even though my Husband and I are going stir crazy, our kids are loving it and will remember this as a really happy time.”

“I have been taking advantage of no commute (yay) and hanging with my kid more, working out, cleaning, really thriving in the quarantine life style.  As stressful as it is and as stir crazy as I am, I have been trying to enjoy it, because normally we are always on the go and have very limited down time.  Now all I have is down time, so I am trying to utilize funemployment round deux!

“I’ll never take for granted going into the office and being in the presence of the coworkers I love. You cannot survive doing family law without laughing with your coworkers and being able to vent. Those things are much harder to do remotely. The current crisis has reminded me of that.”

“I think this crisis is the best thing that ever happened to me for a few reasons. Lately, I had been feeling stuck, in a rut, unfulfilled, and I wasn’t sure why. I thought perhaps I wasn’t busy enough, did not have enough on my plate, etc. In reality, I actually needed to slow down. I needed to relax with my family, cook some dinners, and clean out my closet. (Literally, and figuratively.) The unfortunate current state of the world has granted me the opportunity to do those things. I am very grateful for that.”

“This time has provided a lot of clarity by reaffirming things I knew but sometimes have self-doubt on. Seeing the amount of outreach I’ve received from family and friends goes to show just how much I’m loved and valued by others. From a professional standpoint, I feel that I’ve stepped up and really delivered in a difficult time proving that when push comes to shove I’m always up for a good challenge and excel under pressure.”

How is the current crisis the best thing that ever happened to our firm?

“I think a crisis like this brings a sense of urgency and decisiveness in how we practice law and conduct business. I recall David talking about “fighting so hard for every client now” in an email a couple of weeks ago and that is what we are doing both in consults (fighting to generate clients) and cases (doing our best work for our clients. From my perspective, navigating through difficult times like this, where the circumstances are not perfect, creates an opportunity for us to “level up” and ascend as individual practitioners and as a team.”

“It has brought the team as a whole even closer together than we already were. I feel very fortunate to work for this firm and with the best team around!”

“I think this current crisis has put the firm in a position to help people during a really hard time. I think a lot of lawyers are not being super responsive or maybe not working during this time, focusing on their own families or issues. So the fact that the firm has really pulled together and is working hard to answer the calls that come in, deal with the crisis-specific questions that come up, and help people get through this is really important and something that people will remember. I think we have all realized how much we miss seeing each other every day too, which will make it that much better once we are all back together in the same office again, excited to be there and ready to work.”

“This is the best thing that ever happened because we have the BEST team in place and our billing was insane going into this.  No one on our team is taking advantage of this, everyone is working hard and everyone is positive.  Anytime you weather a storm you learn something about yourself and the people around you – this is no different.  Once we come out of this we are best positioned to absolutely crush the competition – stay home orders will drive up the business and we are going to killllll it! CLGUNIT”

“So far the crisis has solidified that CLG rocks—we have truly come together to try to weather the storm and land those new clients. Also has solidified that David, besides being like really really famous, is a great leader—whether times are tough or times are solid—I’ve got trust. And the obvious answer: this crisis is an opportunity to trim the fat. (not the literal fat—since lets be real I haven’t worked out at all…)”

“I also believe this will be great for the firm. I think this time-out will point our eyes back in the direction of the things that matter most in life like our families, our pets, our hobbies. Creativity can spark from anywhere. I personally believe if you are able to go home after a day’s work, and take time to disconnect, you may find solutions to your days earlier issues that arose.”

“I think what has been the most eye-opening response is everyone’s selflessness. Everyone has sacrificed in one way or another for the greater good of the firm. These trials and tribulations have shown that we’re truly in it together which will not be forgotten once this is all over.”

Nebraska Legal Group

How is the current crisis the best thing that ever happened to me?

“This “crisis” is the best thing to happen to me because I have been able to balance work/life even better and there aren’t distractions of, what are we doing this weekend, how can I fill time, etc. I can just focus on being with my family and having fun around the house.”

“First, yeah… I get this may be played out… but my answer is that getting to spend time with family has been great.  It just so happens my second child was born on March 10, so being home each day has truly helped me spend time with a new born.  Time that I would not have had an opportunity to take advantage.  Also the time with my wife and 21 month old as well.  It’s been great. Second, I’ve learned somehow that I don’t need to reply to someone’s email immediately.  Whether it is because people understand we are all in a different work environment or because I’m simply more relaxed working without pants on… my clients seem alright with my 24 hour response time and I don’t feel as much pressure to answer within 24 minutes.  Nothing in my client’s lives have ACTUALLY been an emergency and none of my client’s have been negatively affected by me not responding so soon.”

“The world has slowed down so much, and it has been a much needed break from the hustle and bustle. No more unnecessary distractions. Just work and family. It has been great to focus on what really matters in life.”

“Life has slowed down substantially and it’s allowed me to rediscover things I love to do but normally do not have time for like cooking and just living more in the moment which has lead to lots of laughs and love with my family.”

“I think this crisis has honestly helped me grow myself greatly. I have spent a lot of time at home, only leaving to get groceries or do exchanges with my stepdaughter. As much as I’m going stir crazy I’m also getting to know myself a lot better. The biggest thing this has helped me with is getting back into my art. I had really let this passion of mine go for the past year or so and I didn’t even realize how much I missed it. I love painting, drawing, and I also do henna on the side! Along with a lot of time to myself I’ve been able to spend a lot of extra time with my stepdaughter and that is always a win for me!”

“The memories I’m making with my daughter.  We are sharing history.”

“It has made me appreciate all of the extra time with my kids.  I have tried to teach them a life lesson in that I am showing them that we are fortunate enough to have food and a nice place to live.  I asked my son to help me clean out our pantry so we could donate food and he asked me why we were selling our food and I explained to him that we were not selling it but giving it away because not all kids get to eat three meals a day and some rely on school just to get meals.  He was very happy to help after that.”

“The current crisis is the best thing that ever happened to me because my relationship with my fiancé has gotten stronger and I’ve gotten better at cooking.”

“This current crisis has been a huge blessing in disguise. I have been able to spend more quality time with my kids.”

How is the current crisis the best thing that ever happened to our firm?

“This is the best thing to happen to our firm because we are going to come out of this even stronger while our competition falters and comes out of this even further behind us.”

“First, I think it has shown us all how happy we actually are at our job.  I miss my colleagues.   I know many share this feeling.   We have a great group and that is agreed upon by most. Second, I think we see how much can be done without actually wasting paper and without having to be so strict 8-5.  I still support the work office environment, but the flexibility of staff and attorneys hasn’t been seen to negatively affect our productivity capabilities.”

“We have banded together, and it has shown that we are a strong firm. Our foundation is strong, and we are all focused on coming out the other side together. No bullshit, just doing what we have to in order to get shit done.”

“It’s an opportunity for us to come together as a team, even while apart, and stress test our place in the community. In the end we will be a stronger business and team than before the crisis and we won’t take our success for granted.”

“This crisis has showed me even further how amazing my job is. Our ability to work together and be a team is just phenomenal. Everyone is so willing to help each other with anything at all. Also, your consistency in remaining completely transparent with us about everything happening is wonderful. I have anxiety and tend to overthink a lot but I don’t have to do that in regards to my job because I am always kept in the loop about current and next steps and it helps calm my nerves so much! I am so thankful for this company and everyone I work for/with. I have never had a job I could brag about until I started working here.”

“It shows we can handle this shit.”

“I think this crisis has shown that we have a leader that truly cares about the success of the firm and its employees.  I believe this is going to make us all stronger as a team and show we can work as a unified group as we are all working toward the same goal of overcoming this crisis and coming out stronger and better in the end.”

“The current crisis is the best thing that ever happened to our firm because support staff has been able to work together as a team to adapt to changes.”

“I believe that this crisis has also been a blessing for our firm because it has helped us work more as a team. We have had to strategically plan and work together to ensure our clients needs are all still getting met.”

New Mexico Legal Group

How is the current crisis the best thing that ever happened to me?

“The current crisis is the best thing that ever happened to me because I am now prioritizing multiple mini workouts per day since I am at home and don’t have to get dressed up.  This has helped me be stronger, leaner and provide me with a stress relieving activity interspersed through the day.”

“The crisis has taught me how to be more effective working from home and working with purely digital files –I will be faster looking up information in case files in the future.  I have also learned I can work in the same space with my wife and we will not murder each other.”

“It’s the best thing that ever happened to me because it’s reminding me to not take our connection with people for granted. People need interaction with each other – and although I’m thankful for technology still keeping everyone connected, I cannot wait to hug my friends and other family after this! Also reminding me the importance of a routine.”

“It has allowed me to focus on home and family without the distractions of going here, there, and everywhere. I’ve also been able to really solidly know that Bill and I are a team. First 6 months of marriage and we have a pandemic and the whole world changed basically overnight – we got this!”

“I would say it has taught me to slow down, look twice, and try to focus only on the things I can control.”

“This crisis has been the best thing to ever happened to me because it taught me that I should never take family or anything for granted. I have not hugged my mom in over a month and I miss her hugs. It makes you appreciate the little things in life. Even having the convenience of walking into a store and having everything at your disposable is not available anymore.  After all of this is over, I am going to love harder and appreciate the simple things in life.”

“This crisis has caused me to pause and consider what is really important in life (love, family, health, education, prosperity, responsibility). It has also taught me to slow down and enjoy the simple and beautiful things. I have started taking better care of myself with diet, exercise, mediation and reading. Also, my son and I have been going jogging and are spending more time together at home.”

“I feel this has made me appreciate everything I have and not take anything for granted.  Reaching out to my family members who I would only contact for holidays and birthdays. It reminds me that my cousins are my best friends and how important my family is to me.  Having time to reconnect with them has changed me for the better, I hope.  This time has also helped me out to become a better cook, I have been able to expand my dinner choices and make some healthier meals for my family.  I know this is something they are enjoying because the food seems to be disappearing quicker than normal, and Mari is enjoying home cooked meals.”

“Mark and I like to go out and this has reminded me that going on bike rides or exploring the west mesa is good for the soul (and my bank account ha).”

“Realizing the impact that I have on others is what I am taking out of this crisis as the best thing that has happened to me during this crisis. Making time for others has been my biggest downfall. The alone time has been very eye opening, and has brought with it some guilt.  I am making it a point to reach out to family and friends, sometimes it’s just a quick chat and sometimes it’s a deeper conversation, and other times it’s simply delivering items to those who can’t get out for needed supplies. I don’t want to miss out on an opportunity of making a difference to someone. I don’t want to be the person that was too busy.”

How is the current crisis the best thing that ever happened to our firm?

“The current crisis is the best thing that ever happened to the firm because we were all forced into a new way of working that allowed us to see how we can be even more productive in a quarantine capacity because there is zero commute time and not a lot of wasted energy on getting around town with multiple responsibilities during the day.  This perspective will allow us to mindfully change how we work for the better going forward.”

“Solidarity.  We are weathering a crisis together – down in the trenches type shit.  Our attorney paralegal teams are operating under stress and confusion and still kicking ass.  Our attorneys are meeting online regularly to help each other with cases, but mostly uplifting each other.”

“I’m hoping that the teamwork required to pull off this work from home, stressed out, everything is changing situation solidifies the staff. For the attorney’s I think we’ve been able to focus on what is important in a case and hopefully get rid of the B.S. in dealing with opposing parties and counsel.”

“It’s the best thing to happen to the firm because it’s truly forcing us to really come together as a team. We’ve always been a good team, but this I believe is making us closer and stronger.”

“I would say I am more cognizant of the time allotted and attempt to make the best use out of the day.”

“I also feel that this crisis has been the best thing to happened to our firm because it has brought us closer as a team and challenged us to prepare for the worst.  I feel that we have stronger communication with each other and we have stayed productive under difficult circumstances.  This experience has been a blessing in disguise and reflecting on this now only solidifies my thoughts.”

“In my opinion, this trying and stressful time has caused all of us to come together more as a team, be there for one another, work hard, make every phone call count and be creative with clients retaining our firm. This current crisis has also shown me how blessed I am to have a boss that cares about his company and his employees.”

“This crisis has really shown us as a firm that we are able to complete our daily workloads either in the office or at home.   I feel two years ago when we lost half of our staff was just a test run so we can get through what we are going through today.  We all stepped up as a team and did what was needed to get us through that time.  Today with a full staff we again all pull together and are making sure we do what is needed.   In times of a struggle this team will fight, we can’t be knocked down. I think this shows how we value our jobs and our Firm, this is one of the best places to work and we all appreciate what we have.”

“I think that this has brought us closer. It makes me appreciate everybody and what they bring to the Team. I was at the office on Friday and it was so nice to see everyone.”

“We were off to such a great start, then “BOOM” we are hit with COVID-19, and before any panic set in, my gut told me – stay positive and focused.  Watching David be pro-active reminded me of why I love working here.  I see all 3 firms as one big family.  We work together, are providing assistance to one another where and when needed, both for work and personal matters.  Watching the news, and seeing how other businesses are struggling did cause me some anxiety, but because of David’s transparency and keeping everyone up to date it really helped me through the low moments I was trying to cope with. We are a family, we have our spats but when push comes to shove we are all in this together, we are here for one another. I believe going through this crisis as a firm, will make us stronger on every level, and this is the best thing to happen to our firm.”